Presumed Innocent Wiki

Jaden Sabich is one of the main characters of the Apple TV+ streaming series Presumed Innocent. She is portrayed by Chase Infiniti.


Jaden is the first-born child of Rusty and Barbara Sabich.


Bases Loaded[]

Jaden sits at the lawn furniture as her father, Rusty, plays catch with her brother, Kyle, until Rusty's co-worker, Raymond, calls.

Eventually, Jaden, alongside her brother Kyle and mother Barbara, handles the press outside of the court he practices from. After more time passes, she's seen watching a new conference where Nico wins the election to become district attorney over Raymond.

People vs. Rozat Sabich[]

Jaden and Kyle play outside with their mother, Barbara, as she does the laundry.

That night, Barbara forces Rusty to reveal his affair with Carolyn to the kids, and they retreat to Jaden's room because of it. There, their mother consoles them about the revelation. Later that night, Jaden visits Rusty in his room and asks him if he loves Barbara, to which he answers yes. However, this prompts the follow-up question: if he doesn't, why did he have an affair with Carolyn?

The next day, the police searched their house and picked up Jaden's laptop.

Eventually, when Rusty returns home and gets a call from Detective Stevens about something, the police arrive, and Rusty asks Jaden to go to her mother as he's soon arrested.

Jaden will accompany Barbara and Kyle for Rusty's arraignment, where he will be released without bond. At home, Rusty will thank them for being there for him.


Jaden looks outside at the news crew reporting about the case against her father.

The night after Rusty's pre-trial hearing, Rusty talks about how it went, but Jaden strikes a nerve when she asks what evidence is against him. Begrudedly, Rusty elaborates on it, but Kyle then asks about a plea deal and if Rusty would accept it, which creates friction between them all.

The Burden[]

Jaden is briefly mentioned by her parents when they question Kyle if he knows that Jaden knew about their father's affair beforehand. On the night that Brian Ratzer tried to force his way into Rusty's home, a panic-stricken Jaden warns her father about him and soon watches as Rusty beats him.


Barbara consoles Jaden as Rusty beats up Brian after he tries to enter their house. One night, Jaden talks to her mother about Rusty running on the treadmill, and later, he has a heart-to-heart conversation with him in her room.

One day, as Rusty was going to leave for Raymond's office, Jaden had a light-hearted moment with her father, but was shocked when he found Kyle's bike in the trash.

During Barbara's therapy session with Dr. Liz Jaden is mentioned by Barbara.

On the first day of Rusty's trial, Jaden and her family are escorted to the court and wait in the courtroom by police.

The Elements[]

One night, Jaden has a heart-to-heart with her dad about what she learned in psych class about trauma and disassociation. The main point of it was people who suffer from this have mental blocks of what causes them and wonder if her dad does, which he answers he does not.

The next day, Jaden hugs and apologizes to her father for what she asked him the night before. That very night, Rusty finds Jaden sleeping on the couch and covers her up with a blanket.

The Witness[]

Kyle and Jaden sit on the couch, and the news about their father makes them think that a mistrial would be necessary.

Eventually, Kyle reveals to Jaden that their father was taking Ritalin for his condition, and Jaden laments over this.

On the day that Rusty has to testify, Jaden, alongside her mother and brother, sits in the audience area.



