Lorraine "Lo" Horgan is a character in the Apple TV+ streaming series Presumed Innocent. is portrayed by Elizabeth Marvel.
Lo is Raymond's wife.
People vs. Rozat Sabich[]
Lo talks to Raymond about Carolyn's affair with Rusty, which Raymond claims he had no prior knowledge of Carolyn's affair with Rusty. Eventually, the two watch a newscast featuring Nico giving a press conference about Carolyn. After they turn it off, their doorbell rings, and when Lo answers it, it's Rusty who asks to see Raymond.
That night, Lo and Raymond talk about Raymond's refusal to become Rusty's attorney and his grudge against Tommy and Nico.
One morning, Lo talks to Raymond about his dream about Rusty and Carolyn, which Lo thinks implicates Rusty in Carolyn's murder. She also talks about the two varied outcomes of what would happen if Raymond wins or loses the case concerning Rusty.
When Rusty visits Raymond's house, he tries to say hello to her, but Lo ignores him.
Eventually, Lo visits Rusty's home to talk with Barbara, who talks about her flirting with a bartender. This encounter leads Lo to suggest that she try to hook up with the man.
The Burden[]
Raymond briefly mentions Lo when he notes how shocked they were when they learned of Rusty's affair with Carolyn.
One morning, Raymond talks to Lo about Lo's disturbing dream, and she claims it's sending him a clear message. She also mentions her opinions on the case involving Rusty.
The Elements[]
Lo and Raymond enjoy dinner together and talk about how they pitty Tommy.
When Barbara decides to visit Lo after Rusty's physical apprehension toward her at Raymond's house, Barbara talks to Lo about this, who commits to attending every court proceeding with her.
On the next court day, she sits next to Barbara on the next trial and is left in absolute shock when Raymond has a heart attack.
The Witness[]
Lo passes back and forth in the hospital's waiting room, where Rusty offers to get her some water, and Tommy offers her an apology. Soon, a doctor arrives and informs Lo that her husband will be fine and that he'll need a pacemaker now.
She'd go on to stay by her husband's side, watching the court trial proceedings beside his bed in the hospital.
The Verdict[]
After hearing about the new turn concerning the murder weapon being found in Tommy's home, Lo suggests that Raymond withdraw from the case, but Raymond refuses. He does, however, promise to live an uneventful, slow life with her.
Sometime after Rusty is acquitted from the case, she's seen doing some gardening with Raymond in the front lawn.