Presumed Innocent Wiki

Nico Della Guardia is one of the main characters of the Apple TV+ streaming series Presumed Innocent. He is portrayed by O.T. Fagbenle.


After an election, Nico became the new district attorney in Kindle County, replacing his former superior Raymond Horgan.


Bases Loaded[]

Nico is seen attending a meeting with his fellow prosecutors about who will take the case involving former co-worker Carolyn Polhemus's death. The case of Nico and Tommy's dismay is assigned to Rusty, and the two abruptly leave the meeting room because of this.

Nico and Tommy attend Carolyn's memorial and meet with Rusty and Raymon.

While watching an archival video of a case that has a connection to the case involving Carolyn's death, Tommy contacts Nico and informs him of the connection.

In a press interview with Rusty, he mentions the contrast between Nico and Raymond, which Nico watches and curses Rusty over. However, news that Nico won his election against Raymond is announced, which Rusty was forlorn over.

The next day, Rusty and Raymond meet with Tommy and Nico to discuss the case involving Carolyn. Tommy mentions two key points: fingerprints that match Rusty's and the fact that Carolyn was pregnant at the time of her death. He asks him if Rusty knows who the father is.

People vs. Rozat Sabich[]

Nico quietly observes Tommy's questioning of Rusty. Days later, Nico calms Tommy down after Rusty's action against a coroner.

Eventually, Nico holds a press conference about Carolyn's case, and Raymond indirectly mentions Tommy and him for ousting him as the district attorney.

Nico is present during Rusty's arraignment beside Tommy. After that, he confronts Raymond, who brushes them off.


Nico sits in Tommy's office as he observes Tommy reprimand Rigo for assisting Rusty in visiting Liam in prison. Once the meeting takes a turn, he escorts her out of Tommy's office, but warns her not to impede or involve herself in the case further.

Nico is present for the pre-trial, where Judge Lyttle oversees it and advises the prosecutors to be more transparent in their handling of evidence.

That night, Nico talks to Tommy at a bar where he talks about how they should drop the obstruction charge and focus on Rusty's murder charge. Although Tommy was against it, Nico mentions that Tommy has a vendetta against Rusty, fueled by his will as a prosecutor and his ego for all of the slights against him by Rusty.

The Burden[]

At the courthouse, Nico talks to Tommy about Eugenia complaining to him about being on the witness list. Also, despite Tommy trying to diminish Nico's worry, Nico is worried and states that Raymond wants to have a meeting with them and suspects it's about a plea deal. He suspects Raymond has them by the balls; Nico notes Raymond doesn't have his, and Tommy denies the notion, either.

Eventually, Raymond visits the DA's office and proposes a plea deal, but Nico and Tommy floor him with some forensic DNA connecting Rusty inextricably to the case.


Nico visits Tommy in his office to discuss what he learned about Liam's credible threats to Carolyn and how they may be connected. However, Tommy rules out the connection and claims that they should focus on Rusty's case, and Nico agrees.

After Tommy is confronted by the press in front of the court and talks about the case at hand in a pompous way, Nico talks to him in his office.

Nico attends Rusty's trial and listens to Tommy give his opening statement.

The Elements[]

On the second day of the trial, Nico tries to persuade Tommy not to re-direct Herbert, but he does so anyway, which re-directs the case out of their favor. This is discussed in the car that Nico and Tommy ride in. Despite Nico's notions, Tommy is confident in his decision.

Nico attends all of the court proceedings thereafter and is shocked and concerned when Raymond has a heart attack.

The Witness[]

Nico, alongside Tommy, Lo, Rusty, and Mya, wait in the waiting room until a doctor arrives and informs them that Raymond will be fine.

Later, Nico comments to Tommy as they're driven out of there that their case has taken another burdensome turn as the jury saw Rusty try to save his lawyer's life.

The next day, Nico, Tommy, Mya, and Rusty sit in Judge Lyttle's chambers to decide how to proceed, and it's decided that Rusty will represent himself. Both Nico and Tommy are confronted by Michael's father Dalton about Michael being forced to be cross-examined by his supposed mother's killer. However, they assure him that it'll be fine.

On the next court trial, Rusty cross-examined Michael and introduced the possibility that either Michael or Dalton could have killed Carolyn. This is discussed in the DA's office, where Nico laments how the court proceedings are going thus far to Tommy and insists that Rigo testify and that he'll handle the questioning.

Nico's line of questioning was centered on Rigo's assisting Rusty in visiting the prison where Liam was and entering several elements of pertinent evidence.

The following day, Judge Lyttle asks if Tommy has any more witnesses to call and Tommy answers Rusty, which makes Judge Lyttle call in both sides into her office. There, Judge Lyttle sides with the prosecutors in having Rusty testify.

When Rusty was set to testify, Nico visited Tommy in his office and asked if he had been there all night. Tommy answered no; he had come in early. Tommy told Nico that today was the day he'd make going through law school worth it. During Rusty's testimony, Tommy easily handles Rusty, and Nico would praise him for it.

The Verdict[]

In Tommy's home, Nico talks to Tommy who held his cat and is told by him that he believes Rusty broke into his house and left the alleged murder weapon in his home. Concernedly, Nico asks if Tommy was alright and he bluntly answers no and takes his cat upstairs.

The following day, the alleged murder weapon is discussed about in Judge Lyttle chambers. Nico is fine with presuming the trial, but requests that the jury be kept abreast of the murder weapon.

On the day of closing arguments, Nico sits beside Tommy as both he and Rusty give their closing arguments.

The next day, Nico visited Tommy's office and suggested that he call it a day; however, Tommy refused to and rhetorically asked what Carolyn saw in Rusty. Nico then asks Tommy how much he loved her, but their conversation is interrupted by a Eugenia informing that the Jury had reached a verdict. The verdict was that Rusty was found innocent.

Eventually, Nico visits Tommy in his room and tries to console him over his loss against Rusty in court. Depsite Tommy's belief that he failed Carolyn, Nico suggests that Tommy focus on other cases as Chicago always has a new face to prosecute.



