Raymond Horgan is one of the main characters of the Apple TV+ streaming series Presumed Innocent. He is portrayed by Bill Camp.
Raymond is the former district attorney of Kindle County who was replaced by Nico Della Guardia after he beat him in the local election. He'd go on to represent Rusty in the case where he's accused of murdering Carolyn
Bases Loaded[]
Raymond contacts Rusty about Carolyn's death, and when Rusty arrives at the crime scene, he warns him not to enter.
Eventually, Raymond assigns the case involving Carolyn to Rusty, much to Tommy and Nico's disappointment.
Rusty and Raymond would both attend Carolyn's memorial. There, Raymond informs Rusty that the two people who caught his eye were Carolyn's ex, Dalton and her son, Michael. Later, at a bar, Raymond asks Rusty if he has any leads, and he notes Bunny Davis.
On his way to court one day, Rusty is stopped by the press. He's asked about the Carolyn case, but Rusty spins about Raymond and Nico's political competition instead. Rusty's support of the news makes Raymond overjoyed, but he eventually loses to Nico.
The day after Nico wins his election against Raymond, Rusty finds Raymond packing his things out of his office. The two then attend a meeting with Nico and Tommy, where Tommy alludes to Rusty being responsible for Carolyn's death. He cites that when Carolyn died, she was pregnant, and he asks if Rusty knows who the father is.
People vs. Rozat Sabich[]
Raymond sits beside Rusty as Tommy questions him about his relationship with Carolyn and later confronts him in his office about it.
Talking with his wife Lorraine "Lo" about Rusty's affair with Carolyn, he claims he had no prior knowledge of the affair with her, which Lo had a hard time believing.
Eventually, Raymond is visited by Rusty, who asks him to be his defense attorney; however, he refuses. He talks about his rejection of Lo, who calls Raymond out for acting out his interests rather than hers.
On the day of Rusty's arraignment, Raymond serves as his client's defense attorney and waives his client's right to a pre-trial. Judge Lyttle finds the request amusing, but Raymond stands by it. Hence, Judge Lyttle gives her ruling for the trial date, and when Nico and Tommy confront them, he brushes them off.
Raymon has a nightmare where Rusty kills Carolyn, and he talks about it with his wife the next morning. That same day, Rusty visits him and talks to him about the disturbing text he received from an unknown person, which he suggests Rigo should investigate, but Rusty refuses to do so. Raymond also informs Rusty of a new hire for his law firm by the name of Mya Winslow, a Yale grad.
On the day of the pretrial hearing, Raymond learns from Rusty about the identity of the unknown person as Michael Caldwell, and they're soon joined by Mya, after which they attend the pre-trial hearing.
The trial hearing seems to be in Rusty's favor as three key points are well argued.
The next day, Raymond sets up his new office while Rusty reviews the evidence against him. He eventually meets Rusty at Carolyn's house and talks to him about the case.
The Burden[]
As Raymond and Rusty head to Raymond's office, they have a heart-to-heart about Barbara being still with Rusty and how Rusty expresses his guilt and shame for having an affair with Carolyn.
At the courthouse, Nico mentions Raymond to Tommy, stating Raymond wants to hold a meeting with them, noting he suspects he'll try to bargain a plea deal with them. Nico states that Raymond must think he has them by the balls, which he claims Raymond doesn't have, but he asks Tommy if he may have his, though Tommy denies it.
Eventually, Mya reports to Raymond about her thoughts on the case so far and whether or not Rusty should testify. In Mya's opinion, the case is okay thus far, but she doesn't believe that Rusty should testify, and Raymond agrees.
Once Raymond arrives at the DA's office, he shares a greeting with Eugenia, who assures him she won't testify against Rusty. Also, confirming Nico's suspicion, Raymond did try and strike a plea bargain with them but was floored when he learned they have DNA evidence on Rusty that ties him to the murder.
Raymond later contacts Rusty about this, who has a meltdown over it. As he talks to Rusty, he deals with the livid Brian Ratzer at his house.
Raymond's voice could be heard on Rusty's phone as he tried to get an answer to what was going on from Rusty's side. In a dream sequence, Raymond reviews the evidence for Rusty's case, and his head explodes. He talks about this experience to Lo, who gives her an unsurprising opinion about it.
Afterward, Raymond learns about what Rusty did to Brian after he tried to break into his house. Raymond then calls over Mya so she can hear Rusty's half-baked claim that Liam is involved in Bunny's case, which is believed to be intrinsically connected to the case. After this conversation is over, Rusty informs them that Brian will be there the next day to be questioned about the Bunny case.
The next day, Brian is questioned by them all, and it goes nowhere.
Raymond meets Rusty on his rooftop and tries to reason with him about the possibility of arguing with an alternative murderer. He also claims that the case isn't about who did it but that Rusty didn't. They then talk about whether Barbara thinks he did it, whereas Lo thinks he did.
The next day, Raymond is seen in court, where Rusty's trial begins.
The Elements[]
After Tommy's questioning of Herbert is complete, Judge Lyttle asks Raymond if he'd like to cross-examine the witness. Initially, he refuses, but he does so, asking if the murder weapon has been found, and Herbert claims it has not. Against Nico's advice, Tommy re-directs Herbert, which allows Raymond to cross-examine Herbert to show him that he is biased toward the people he works for.
Afterward, Raymond talks to Rusty, Mya, and Barbara in his office about the forensic pathologist Jeremy Buck, whom he's very cautious about. He and Mya try to get Barbara to act closer toward Rusty to sway jurists, but Barbara refuses because of her personal beliefs and feelings.
During the next trial, Raymond tries interjecting Liam as a plausible alternative, but Judge Lyttle denies it. She then calls the two sides over and advises Raymond that she won't allow the subject to be brought up again unless he gets tangible proof of his claim. Continuing his cross-examination, Raymond proposes the possibility that since it wasn't skin particles, but cells found underneath Carolyn's fingertips. This raises the possibility that Rusty could have killed her or simply kissed her, during her interaction with Carolyn.
Sometime later, Raymond and Lo talk about them pitying Tommy during dinner.
Eventually, Raymond sits in Judge Lyttle's room, listening to her decision to deny Dalton's request to dismiss Michael from testifying in the case. She also tries to propose a manslaughter charge instead of murder, but that, too, is rejected by Rusty and Tommy.
After Michael is done testifying for Tommy, Raymond tries to perform his cross-examination, but in the middle of it, he has a heart attack.
The Witness[]
Raymond is taken into surgery, where a defilberator is used on him again. After a while, a doctor tells his wife that he'll be fine and needs a pacemaker.
As the trial proceeds without him, Raymond watches from his hospital bed as Lo watches beside him and comments on it from time to time.
Eventually, Raymond gets discharged from the hospital, and at around that time, he attends the trial day, where Rusty is forced to testify.
The Verdict[]
Meeting in Judge Lyttle's chamber, the defense side learns from the prosecutor's side that the alleged murder weapon was left in Tommy's house after it was broken into. Although the prosecutors wanted to continue the trial despite the offer of a mistrial, Rusty wanted the evidence to be formally submitted. This causes Raymond and Mya to pull aside Rusty to have him reconsider his choice, noting the consequences of doing this.
On the next day of the trial, Raymond questions a gastronomical expert who cites that the time of death recorded by Herbert was incorrect.
That night, Raymond, Rusty, Mya, and Barbara meet in Raymond's kitchen to discuss a plausible alibi for Rusty, claiming he was home at the time of the murder. Although Barbara volunteers to corroborate this claim, it's argued that she'd be biased. Mya notes that Raymond's firm hired a P.I. to tail her and watch her relationship with Clifton. Ultimately, Rusty vows to give his closing arguments despite Raymond being against it.
Lo later hears Raymond's situation and suggests that he withdraw, but Raymond is resolute to continue. He also assures her that he'll retire and live his life peacefully with her.
The following day, Raymond speaks to Rusty, who's caught up in his own thoughts. At the trial, the clerk reads the jury verdict that Rusty was innocent.
Eventually, Raymond is seen outside doing some gardening with his wife Lo.